FREE Passover Picture Bingo!

I love the holiday of Passover: the great feeling of knowing your house is truly clean, unpacking the Pesach dishes, setting the Seder table, eating all that lovely matza…  But I have to say it is a lot of work, both getting there and getting through it!  The seder poses it’s own challenge of keeping everyone (kids and adults!) awake and involved. If you ask around, you’ll hear many great ways that families keep things fun and interactive. One friend of mine likes to play holiday-themed games at her family dinners, such as word searches, word scrambles, crossword puzzles and, the most popular one: bingo.

Bingo Card 18

The problem is, she has a large crowd over, around 30 people, and she couldn’t find any Passover bingo games that would work for so many people! So she asked me to create some bingo cards so the family won’t have to go without their favorite game this Passover!

Luckily, she doesn’t mind sharing! So what we have here are 30 different Bingo cards with a mix of 60 different pictures, including the ten plagues, items from the Seder table, characters from the Hagadah and the Exodus story. They’re cute and colorful and will help bring the Hagadah to life!


Print them yourself, or take them to a print shop to to get laminated for future use.

Passover Bingo request

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You can access the Bingo cards by clicking this link:

Passover Bingo Files

Enjoy and Happy Passover! 

Chag Sameach!


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Enjoy, and Happy Passover!

Chag Kasher V’same’ach!

Purim Coloring Pages!

Consider this my Purim gift to you! Print, color, display, admire!

Achashverosh: Let’s get this party started!


Esther: Not just another pretty face.


Haman: That’s a noose, not a lasso!


Vashti: What are you staring at?!

(Why does Vashti have a tail? What if I don’t want Vashti with a tail? Read my comments at the bottom of this post!)


Mordechai: Why can’t we all just get along?


Please share with your friends! Happy Purim!!

VASHTI UPDATE: I have been receiving comments from people that they’d like to have Vashti without a tail, so I have added it below.  If you are curious to know more about Vashti and why she had a tail (I always found her to be one of the more intriguing Purim characters) there’s a great history of Vashti here on It’s worth reading! Happy Purim :)


A Portrait in Progress…

The past month has been busy and exciting, with a sweet new baby and lots of holidays! Although it’s been fun to have everyone home together, I’m glad to have the kids back in school, which gives me a few hours of peace and quiet to paint each morning…

Here is a sneak peek at my current work-in-progress. I’m really excited about it! I love this stage, where it’s kind of sketchy and unfinished, but there is still lots of work to do! For now, here are a couple progress shots:

kodimer1 kodimer2

Here’s the photo I’m working from:


My First Illustrated Book: “Red is my Rimon”

“It is a mistake for a sculptor or a painter to speak or write very often about his job.  It releases tension needed for his work.”  (Henry Moore, English sculptor and artist)

That will explain why I haven’t blogged in a while… or at least makes it sound like I have a professional reason for being a lazy blogger!

But for now, I wanted to share some exciting news… my first illustrated children’s book is due out this fall! It’s called Red is my Rimon: A Jewish Child’s Book of Colors by Dvorah Glick.


Many, many thanks to all my family and friends for their support and encouragement!

Something new: Decoupage artwork :)

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of funky artwork using dictionary pages, music sheets, or vintage magazines as the backdrop for some pretty images, either printed or painted on top. To me there’s something very appealing about combining the written word with drawing or painting, and decided to experiment with something similar, although I haven’t seen anything exactly like this yet! So I guess it’s fair to call it “Something new!”


I do think it’s pretty to have the Hebrew letters showing through the artwork, and it’s terribly fun to do all this cutting, pasting, and painting!


And a couple Chamsas, for good luck :) The large blue words say “Shalom” which means “peace.”

blue-red-chamsa shalom-hamsa green-blue-chamsa

I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions! Please leave me a comment :)

Love, Dena