Consider this my Purim gift to you! Print, color, display, admire!
Achashverosh: Let’s get this party started!

Esther: Not just another pretty face.

Haman: That’s a noose, not a lasso!

Vashti: What are you staring at?!
(Why does Vashti have a tail? What if I don’t want Vashti with a tail? Read my comments at the bottom of this post!)

Mordechai: Why can’t we all just get along?

Please share with your friends! Happy Purim!!
VASHTI UPDATE: I have been receiving comments from people that they’d like to have Vashti without a tail, so I have added it below. If you are curious to know more about Vashti and why she had a tail (I always found her to be one of the more intriguing Purim characters) there’s a great history of Vashti here on It’s worth reading! Happy Purim :)